Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Different Kind of Trailer Park

Since today was the most perfect day in the history of the world ever, the Duchess and I took a major stroll around Prospect Park and Grand Army Plaza. On the way home, this classic, early-twentieth century lookin' trailer caught my eye, both because it was such a beautiful specimen and because one doesn't often see trailers parked out on the streets of Brooklyn. When we took a close look, we learned the score --
It was an artwork. A park inside a trailer, as further inspection bore out --
The sign in the back says Ms. Holleman's work is from 2006 and seemed to bear the insignia of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation:
It was almost like a children's story. It felt like if you kept going you'd find yourself in a rainforest, with Brooklyn gone entirely. But who wants that? Brooklyn's the place where you find crazy art works parked in the middle of the street!

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